Managed Services

We provide companies cost-effective and practical IT management and support solutions. If it involves workstations, data, networking, servers, software, active directory, security or any combination of those things (and many others), we provide custom tailored support and solutions to help your company run efficiently, reliably and safely.

Cyberlink offers flexible support options custom tailored to suit individual business needs. This gives business personnel access to the entire technical knowledge repertoire and skillset of the Cyberlink team and our partners. We are capable of providing complete IT systems and end-user management and support for your entire company, augmenting your existing IT team’s abilities, taking over tedious after-hours maintenance tasks, and more.

We work with you to get the right solutions for your end users and systems. Our ultimate goal is reducing the down-time for you and your users due to IT issues, while solving any issues they do have quickly and effectively.

Help Desk Services

A user has an IT problem, they contact us, and we fix the issue… It’s as simple as that.

If it’s an issue that cannot be solved remotely, one of our techs will go on-site to resolve the problem. The details of who called, what the problem was, what the resolution was, etc. are all recorded for future reference, problem trending and reporting purposes.

Server and Network Management

From a complex virtual server cluster infrastructure to a simpler setup of several switches and a router, we have the experience and expertise to manage and maintain most any server and/or network system for you.

Our focus is on reliability, security and efficiency; we want to implement improvements and maintenance options that will mean less problem calls for us, and more uptime for you. We lose less money this way, and you make more money, it’s a win-win… Not to mention your company is a lot more likely to continue utilizing our services if your systems experience less problems.

Active Directory Administration

Cyberlink offers businesses comprehensive administration, configuration and management of Active Directory and related services such as DNS, Group Policy, DHCP, WSUS, NPA, and more.

We use industry standard/best practice security practices, practical and efficient organization structures and logical development strategies to improve your AD systems and deliver a more functional experience for your end users while keeping your systems and data secure.

Antivirus & Anti-Malware

Your computers and the data they store and have access to are too valuable to leave unprotected.

We offer a complete antivirus, anti-spyware and anti-malware protection suite to safeguard your systems, ensure compliance with company policies, and minimize the risk of compromise. We will install, configure and maintain it on any managed systems, including desktops, laptops, servers, tablets, smart phone devices and more.

Maintenance, Patching & Optimization

Your IT systems should be kept up to date with the latest operating and software security patches to minimize risk. It also saves your user’s valuable time if their systems are running quickly and they have less hardware failures.

We can manage all these tedious maintenance and optimization tasks for your systems on a set schedule without interrupting your normal operations. You’ll never have to wonder if it’s been done or try and find time to do them again.

Vendor Liaison & Management

 For companies that have externally provided systems that are having technical issues or need configuration changes, it can be a time-consuming process for employees to try and work with the vendor of those systems to solve the problem or implement a change.

We can work directly with the vendor on your behalf to resolve the problem or execute a change, saving you and your employees valuable time.

Transition Process

The transition process to switch to Cyberlink’s managed services can seem daunting, and many businesses are very leery about going through this due to poor experiences in the past… We fully understand this concern and that is why we have developed and utilize proven and effective methods to make any transitions as easy and seamless as possible.

Most of the ‘setup’ and configuration type work is usually done after hours with minimal impact to your business and end-users. We also recommend you have our dedicated support technicians ON-SITE for the first day or two after a major change to alleviate any issues that may come up and provide end-user support and training as required so no one is left in the dark.

Once your users are comfortable with any functional, operational and procedural changes that may have been made, we will move into our agreed upon support role and continue to provide you with the best service possible.